Welcome to Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 – 18-25 January

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FPCT Newsletter

Falmouth Christian Healing Rooms is starting up on 8th October and is staffed by a group of Christians from across the churches. Initially it will be on the first Tuesday of each month running from 1.30 pm – 4pm. This is very much a missional initiative aimed at sharing the love of Jesus Christ to the general public through the signs, wonders and miracles that Jesus still performs through Christians. If you are interested in becoming part of the team then please email falmouthhealingrooms@gmail.com for details.

Feet on the Street: Street Pastors return to Falmouth

Who are we… 

Feet on the Street is a new ‘churches together’ initiative aiming to provide extra support and care for people at night in Falmouth.  We are an independent charity comprising of local volunteers working in association with ROC Angels. Feet on the Street has been endorsed by the local council and police and we work in close association with them. 

What we do…

At night people can get into various kinds of difficulties; under the influence of drugs or alcohol, disorientated by mental illness, lost in unfamiliar surroundings, or struggling with loneliness. We offer a welcome face, a non-judgmental listening ear and signposting to other support services where appropriate. We can also offer small items of practical help and we carry a basic first aid kit to assist and support people until they are deemed safe. We aim to provide hope, compassion and a calming presence to vulnerable people in need. 

BBC Cornwall Radio Interview 

Why volunteer…

As Christians who really care about our community Feet on the Street volunteers are committed to the service of others in the name of Jesus. We are led to serve in a practical way and challenged to share Jesus’ love outside the four walls of our churches, we believe that we have a responsibility to serve people who need help and give our time for free, we are passionate about everyone feeling safe whether you are visiting, a student or a resident in our community.  

How you can support us…

  • Become a volunteer – join our team
  • Support financially – a one off donation or monthly support
  • Spread the Word – tell you friends, churches, neighbours and colleagues about the amazing work our teams are doing
  • Pray for us – join our whatsapp prayer group
  • Follow us – on Instagram and / or Facebook
  • Contact usfeetonthestreetfalmouth@gmail.com

What our volunteers say

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