We are creating a network of congregations that are committed to developing a meaningful relationship with their MP.
As part of our support for congregations who are seeking to do this, here are some top things you can be doing as a church in the days and weeks after the 2024 General Election.
Send your MP a card
This is such a simple idea, but can be so powerful. The personal touch will help new and returning MPs feel welcome and supported as they begin their term of service in Westminster.
Commit to praying for your MP
Can you add them to your regular prayer cycle? Perhaps you can put a photo in a prominent place, labelled with their name and an encouragement to pray for them?
Invite your MP to a church service
This is not to preach at them, nor to give them a ‘shopping list’! It is an opportunity to listen to their story of why they are serving as an MP, their motivations and their concerns. A meaningful relationship develops with good listening.
Invite your MP to church – a guide
Come to a CAN webinar
Come to a Zoom webinar where we’ll explain what the Constituency Action Network (CAN) is for and how your congregation can be empowered. Each introductory webinar has the same content and is aimed at church leaders or other people in your congregations who are interested in developing a meaningful relationship with your MP.
We currently have two options:
- Thursday 29 August 2024, 7:30pm – Click here to register
- Wednesday 4 September 2024, 12:30pm – Click here to register
Sign up for updates
If you’d like to know more about CAN, please leave your details here and we’ll be in touch with you soon.