SAM – Social Action Mapping for Cornish Churches

Our project to map social action projects organised or supported by Cornish churches was launched just prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, which highlighted their importance. Our original partner, Age UK, dropped out in Apr 2023 as they moved their focus to the Kernow Gateway telephone helpline, and we are currently working on a new model for future development. Meanwhile our listings continue to be available on the community platform Cornwall Link and we invite you to add details of your social action projects there; to do so visit and add your details; once registered, you can enter details of your projects whenever you wish on Don’t forget to check ‘Churches Together in Cornwall’ under ‘networks’ so the project will appear in our listings. Alternatively, email us the details at and we will enter them for you – many thanks!

Listings can also be seen on our website at

The original leaflet for the SAM project, although now out of date, explains the aims of the project:

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