Every election presents an opportunity for citizens to participate critically and constructively in the democratic process. The Joint Public Issues Team encourages everyone to ‘Love, Pray, Vote’.
There will be a UK general election on 4 July 2024.
We’ve put together some resources to help you prepare for and engage with elections. Find out about registration and voter ID, explore issues briefings, how to engage with the election as a church, and find out how to hold a hustings in your neighbourhood.
- Resources Webinar
- How to engage as a church
- Registering to vote and Voter ID
- General Election issues briefing
- Hold a hustings
- Conversation Welcome
- Deciding who to vote for
- Our hopes for manifestos
Resources Webinar
We held a launch webinar on 21 May, 2024.
We explored how individuals and churches can engage in the upcoming general election. We introduced about the resources we have developed to aid you in preparation and engagement. From voter registration and ID requirements to issue briefings and theological resources, we hoped to inspire individuals and churches to play a vital role in positive engagement in political discourse.
How to engage as a church
We’ve suggested six ways that churches and church leaders can prepare for the general election.
Listen to a 10-minute podcast from Sienna and Simeon on how churches can positively engage with the general election.
10 Minutes on · 10 Minutes on the General Election
Registering to vote and Voter ID
Become a Voter Registration Champion
Voter Registration Champions is a new initiative from Citizens UK that will equip local churches to increase democratic participation through registering people to vote, providing information about the need to have appropriate photo ID, and encouraging people to vote on polling day.
Enable the voices of your congregation and your neighbourhood to be heard through a simple activity, on or before Sunday 16 June 2024.
Voter Registration activity for a Sunday service
In our podcast, Sienna and Steve T discuss why voting is important, the potential barriers people might face to voting this year and how churches can become accredited Voter Registration Champions.
10 Minutes on · 10 Minutes on Voter Registration
Read why our Churches have become ambassadors for the Voter Registration Champions initiative
Register to vote
We believe firmly in encouraging everyone who is eligible to vote to do so. You can register online or with a downloaded paper form. It takes about 5 minutes, and you will need to know your National Insurance number.
You do not need to register to vote for each election. If you have recently changed address or changed your name, you will need to make sure your details are up to date by registering to vote again.
You can register to vote using the button below. If you would prefer to fill in a paper form or would like to speak to your local Electoral Registration Office, you can find more details by entering your postcode here.
Voter ID
If you live in England, you now need photo ID to vote in almost all elections . You will not be able to vote if you do not have photo ID, even if you are registered to vote. In Scotland and Wales, you will need photo ID to vote in future General Elections.
You can find information about Voter ID from The Electoral Commission here.
Guidance on Voter ID and posters to download
General Election issues briefing
We’ve compiled briefings on the six issues that we work on (read more about our Six Hopes here). This resource includes, for each of the six issues:
- a Christian grounding, explaining why we as Christians should engage with these issues
- a briefing about the current situation in the UK
- a list of three suggested questions to ask parliamentary candidates to hear what they think and what their plans are regarding these issues
- Further reading to find out more
Hold a hustings
We encourage you to attend hustings in your area, or consider hosting a hustings or similar event in your church or local community.
Hustings guide for the General Election [PDF]
Cynnal Cyfarfod Hustings: Access these resources in Welsh on the Cytûn website.
Conversation Welcome
We’ve collected some tips to help you have constructive and genuine political conversations with people who might have different views to you, in our resource ‘Conversation Welcome’.
You can also read Sienna’s blog post exploring how we can build bridges across political divides, in a world which seems increasingly polarised.
Find out what’s involved in becoming a Voter Registration Champion, and sign up
You can find out more at a webinar hosted by Citizens UK.
Deciding who to vote for
It’s important to use your vote wisely and to make an informed decision about who you vote for.
You can find out who your candidates are here.
Our ‘Love, Pray, Vote’ resources for the General Election will soon be available.
Our hopes for manifestos
Read our suggestions for a General Election manifesto. Listen to our podcast series on Hopeful Manifestos for each of our six hopes for society.