General election 2024


The general election 2024 is a great opportunity for us all to influence how our country is run.

A general election is when people in every part of the UK can choose their member of parliament (MP). It’s a chance to talk to people in our community about our values and the issues we care about. We can encourage our country’s leaders to put those values into practice when they’re making decisions that affect us all. With the urgent, interlinked crises of cost-of-living, climate and conflict, now is a crucial time to be part of the national debate. We’ll provide resources throughout the election period to help you take part.

Get involved

Election guides and templates

We have produced a guide for individuals, groups and meetings on the upcoming general election. It gives an overview of some key issues for Quakers in Britain, suggesting questions that Quakers may wish to ask their parliamentary candidates. It has advice about ways to engage your meeting and wider community in the election.

We have drafted a template email for individuals to adapt and send to their local parliamentary candidates.

Local meetings can order up to three printed copies of the election guide for their meeting. They can also order up to five greetings cards to send to local candidates on behalf of the meeting.

There are packs to help adults to engage children and young people with the election and our key issues.

If you have any questions about these resources, please contact or call 020 7663 1138.

Getting informed

Meeting for Sufferings is holding an online meeting for all Quakers about advocacy at the upcoming general election. It will be on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 7 to 8.30pm. Please register here.

How to register

Many of you will have already registered to vote, but if not, you need to do this to have your say in the general election. You can do this when you turn 16 in England or 14 in Scotland and Wales. Remember to register at your new address if you have moved house. If you want to vote by post or by proxy (when someone else votes for you), you need to register for this type of vote. To find out more and register, visit the government website

How to vote

Ahead of the election, you’ll be sent a polling card telling you where and when to vote. You do not need to bring your polling card to the polling station. Find out more at

If you’re voting in person, you’ll need to bring the right kind of photo ID with you to the polling station, such as a passport or driving licence. If you do not have a type of photo ID that allows you to vote, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. Find out more at the government website.

Become a voter champion

Local Quaker meetings can become ‘voter champions’ to help spread the word about registration and voting. Meetings can encourage other community organisations to become champions too. This is important because thousands of people in our communities, especially those from marginalised groups, are missing out on having their say at elections. Find out more at the Voter Registration Champions website.

Hold an election meeting

During the period before a General Election, some Quaker meetings organise election meetings (sometimes known as hustings) where members of the public can listen to and ask questions of the candidates in their constituency. The opportunity for respectful discussion in a neutral space is often appreciated by candidates as well as voters. There are lots of factors to think about when considering holding a hustings. Quakers in Britian and other churches have produced joint ideas and advice, which can be found in the ‘resources’ section of the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland website.

Be aware of the laws

There are some laws that Quaker area meetings and other charities should be aware of if they are promoting certain issues or viewpoints during the election. We have summarised in the UK general election 2024 Guidance for Quaker communities (PDF).

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