We will learn about the issue of migrant labour in the care sector in our Diocese, what the risks are to some workers and what we can do to help anyone in difficulty.
an opportunity to join in with morning worship and teaching alongside current students, followed by a welcome session and Q&A with the Centre Director where you will have the chance to ask questions about life as a student at St Mellitus College
A chance to drop in and meet Liz, Church Engagement Officer, and ask her any questions about our work, free resources and how to become more single friendly in your church.
The Genesis Process is an integration of: Biblical principles; proven relapse prevention techniques; cognitive therapy; and the latest research in neurochemistry.
LIVING & TELLING is the celebrated course from Agapé UK that will inspire, encourage and enable you to share your faith in Jesus, naturally and helpfully, as a way of life, whether you’re face to face or online.
Interested in how we can come together to better care for the environment? Register now for this wonderful event at Plymouth Cathedral, which includes a delicious pasty supper! All welcome.
Simon will be taking us back to the core essentials of our faith in God, our hope in and for his kingdom and our experience of his radical love made known to us by his Spirit.
Join us on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at Marjon University, Plymouth, to find out about studying at SWMTC. You’ll have the opportunity to meet staff and current student and sit in on a class to experience our teaching.