Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2022-24 summarises the findings of ACN’s continued research, assessing recent patterns of violence and persecution.
Even before the period under review in this report, evidence was already showing that persecution and oppression were getting worse.
In 60 percent of countries surveyed, human rights violations against Christians had increased since the last Persecuted and Forgotten? report
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Sign our ACN Open Letter calling on the Government to make persecuted Christians and other religious minorities a priority for taxpayer-funded UK aid
Religious minorities weren’t even mentioned in the 10-year strategy for international development, which set priorities for UK aid – and yet religious communities suffer all manner of human rights violations as highlighted in our Persecuted and Forgotten? report.
Please sign our open letter to the Foreign Secretary, David Lammy. Together, we can make a difference.
Persecution around the World |
In Nigeria there has been a rise in violent attacks on Christians: the Nigerian government failed to intervene effectively. In Burkina Faso and Mozambique, ongoing Islamist insurgencies, specifically targeting Christian communities, have led to thousands of civilians being killed and millions displaced. In Iran, Christian converts are among the most targeted groups in the country. They are perceived as colluding with the West, accused of undermining Iran’s Islamic regime. |
Around the world Christians are finding themselves subject to increased risk of harassment, arrest and violence – churches are burnt, Christian women are abducted and raped, and the faithful are killed for their beliefs.
This edition of Persecuted and Forgotten? examines the challenges facing Christians in 18 countries where the faithful are suffering because of state authoritarianism or attacks from extremists. It covers the period between August 2022 and June 2024.
Persecuted and Forgotten? 2022-24 found that in more than 60 percent of countries surveyed, human rights violations against Christians had increased since the last report. The increase in religiously-motivated harassment against Christians is higher than it has even been, reflecting the findings of other organisations, such the Pew Research Center, which found Christians suffering harassment – which covers everything from verbal abuse to from to murder – in 160 countries.
For organisations such as Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the need for action to help the persecuted Christians across the world is not just about fundamental human rights, but also one of standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.