Welcome from Bob Jackson and George Fisher
Among all the other lockdown shocks, there was some consternation in the churches when we got closed down!
But we didn’t close down. We went online.
Churches are on a steep learning curve, and some are on a steep growing curve. To assist learning and growing, we’ve asked many churches for stories and wisdom in the early weeks of lockdown church.
Read our core document ‘Everybody Welcome Online’, which extends our training course for in-person church, ‘Everybody Welcome’.
Tell your friends about it.
It tries to make sense of what is happening (pp4-9), looks at who is being attracted to online church and why (pp1-12), how best to communicate with and welcome everyone online (pp14-20), and what we should be doing to prepare for ‘Unlock Sunday’ (pp22-23).
We will keep updating and adding resources and stories over time from your feedback ot us (p.25).
We’ve teamed up with Peter Phillips, Director of the Durham University Centre for Digital Theology. We think their time has come! Check out the related sites. And we are grateful to CPAS for professionalising the presentation in such a short space of time,
Ven Bob Jackson (Visiting Fellow St Johns College Durham)
Revd George Fisher (Retired Director of Mission Lichfield Diocese)