Webinars on land and nature, for Churches Count on Nature : 5-9 Jun

June 5, 2023 June 9, 2023

‘During Love your Burial Ground Week (4th-12th of June) Churches from all denominations are being invited to a week-long ‘nature count’ to monitor and celebrate the biodiversity in churchyards. This Churches Count on Nature initiative will see people visiting churchyards to record what they see – from the ancient yews to tiny ladybirds. The data will then be collated on the National Biodiversity Network.

It is jointly run by the conservation charities Caring for God’s Acre and A Rocha UK, together with the Church of England Environment Programme and the Church in Wales.

During Churches Count on Nature 2023, the Church of England Environment Programme is running a special series of webinars on different aspects of land and nature.

Find help with churchyard management, inspiring examples of how Church land at all levels is being managed, hear from Bishop Graham Usher about becoming more aware of nature, and get informed about the big picture of the twin crises for climate and nature.

For the first time, and to reflect the partnership with the Church in Wales, we are also trialling a webinar simultaneously translated into the Welsh language, on Eco Church Land.   

Scroll down to find details and booking links for all 5 webinars.

You can also find past recording of all the wonderful webinars from both 2021 and 2022 on YouTube. If you are planning holding a CCoN nature count, we particularly recommend watching “Knowing your ant from your elder” Why and how to record during Churches Count on Nature

Churches Count on Nature logo

Mon 5th June, noon: Practical guidance on churchyard management

Tue 6th June, noon: Examples of managing Church land for climate and nature

Wed 7th June, noon: Paying attention to nature, with Bishop Graham Usher, lead bishop on the environment

Thur 8th June, noon: Eco Church Land (Eco Church Rheoli Tir Eglwys)

Fri 9th June, noon: From global to local – tackling the twin crises for climate and nature

Recordings of past webinars

flowers in front of a headstone with the text webinars on land and nature
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