11-11.30am (BST) on 21st May
Live Q&A with Archbishop Justin Welby on prayer
A recent Tearfund study revealed that 1 in 20 people, who have never prayed before, are turning to prayer during Lockdown amongst other findings.
So what is prayer and how do we get started? This Q & A with Archbishop Justin Welby, offers an opportunity to hear from him re. his own prayer life and to ask him question on prayer. This session is perfect for those on the edges of faith where prayer is new to them, so please feel free share with those in your networks who are exploring faith such as attending an Alpha course. Tune into our Facebook page to be involved.
Beforehand, there will be also be a special webinar with Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of York and Cardinal Vincent Nichols from 10.30-11.00am. They will be praying for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on world today; that many might come to know the love, peace and joy that is found in Christ. Numbers are limited. If you would like to join please register here.