Open to all in the Diocese of Truro
A place to air your views, hear the latest and share activity in your Parish. EC3 feedback; enormously encouraging, mightily put together!
The most important thing to do when growing alongside this life changing topic, is to be able to air your views, work things through and have a safe place to do that. Here it is. With General Synod voting to go Carbon Neutral by 2030, ALL are encouraged to attend these bi-monthly events (the frequency has been chosen by current Env Champs), held by Luci Isaacson, Diocesan Enviornment Officer. Some think they have to be asked, or have to be appointed to come, you don’t, if you go to Church, you are warmly invited. ALL are at risk; we have ways to prepare, ALL have an opportunity; we have pathways to follow to lessen the problem but enjoy a different way of life and ALL need to work things through; we welcome you.
NOTE: To catch up, before you attend, please give time (1hr 22) to watch Env Champ 3, that gives you the foundation you need to go forward.
EARLY BOOKERS will have names put on the ENV CHAMP BEAVER FIELD TRIP list, for when it is safe to attend!