Contemplative Prayer Pilgrimage to Assisi : 9-15 Mar

March 9, 2020 March 15, 2020

The details of the ninth Contemplative Prayer trip to Assisi are now available.

The dates are 9th– 15th March 2020, departing Stansted Airport at 07.40 am arriving Perugia at 11.00 am local time, returning from Perugia at 11.35 am pm to arrive Stansted at 1 pm.

We will travel by private coach to Assisi and will stay, as before, at St Anthony’s Guest House, with the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement for five nights then return to Perugia for one night in a local hotel before the flight home on the 15th March.

All rooms are en-suite, and are single with a few double or twin occupancy.  The guest house has a beautiful chapel, meeting room, library, and garden and is situated very close to the centre of Assisi near Santa Chiara, the Basilica of St Clare.  It has spectacular views over the countryside below Assisi.    

The pilgrimage will be relaxed, with breakfast taken at the guest house and other meals together at local restaurants. The daily offices will take place in the chapel, and daily Eucharist, time for teaching and communal contemplative prayer will be part of the morning programme.  Afternoons will be for visits to various places of interest in and around Assisi including the Basilica where St Francis is interred: its Giotto paintings are famous.  Also included is a trip to La Verna where St Francis received the stigmata.  Of course, nothing will be compulsory.

Our spirituality input will be given by Julie Dunstan of the London Spirituality Centre, where she is the Director for Formation and Professional Development.  She runs the Spiritual Direction training course there and is much in demand for her inspiring deliveries and expertise in this field. 

The cost will be £1200 to include all flights and travel from Stansted and back, single or double/twin accommodation, and all food except for the last evening meal in Perugia.  The price is formulated according to the exchange rate at the present time but could change if the exchange changes dramatically.   So please book quickly to get this price.

Not included is travel to and from Stansted Airport, hold luggage if required, the meal on the last night in Perugia, travel insurance and alcoholic drinks. Please note that travel insurance is a prerequisite and I will need evidence of that being in place.  This price represents good value when compared with other trips to Assisi on offer.

If you are interested in coming with us please ring Rev Hilary Spong in the first instance on 07855781134 and send a non-returnable deposit of £250 with the completed form as soon as possible.

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