Church investment in climate solutions report launch : 22 Nov, ONLINE

November 22, 2022 | 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

Join this webinar to find out how and why UK Churches can increase investment in climate solutions

Across the world, people are experiencing the increasingly severe impacts of the climate emergency – with those in marginalised communities who have done the least to cause it the most affected.

The United Nations and International Energy Agency have both highlighted the urgent need for investment in clean energy, stating that private and public investment in renewable energy must treble to $4 trillion a year if we are to reach net zero by 2050 and limit global heating to 1.5°C.

Most UK Churches have now made commitments to divest from fossil fuel companies. As well as divesting from fossil fuel producers, it is vital for Churches to increase investment in climate solutions such as renewable energy and energy efficiency, which reduce the demand for fossil fuels.

Join this webinar at which we will be launching a new Operation Noah report on Church investment in climate solutions.

We’ll be joined by several inspiring guest speakers. More details to follow soon!

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