Building Hope – Voices from Palestine : 16-17 Mar, Bodmin, Truro, Falmouth

March 16, 2023 March 17, 2023
various locations

CADFA (The Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) are hosting 15 women from the Occupied Territories as part of an International Women’s Day tour. Three of these women are coming to Cornwall from 15th-17th of March and some volunteers in Cornwall have organised a few events and speaking engagements. This is to give people in Cornwall a chance to meet these women and hear about their experiences as women and living under occupation. 

Below is a summary of the three events. All are free, though if you would like food/ drink you can pay for that on the day. Please do share with anyone in your networks who may be interested or get in touch with  for more details. 


16th March


The Old Library, Bodmin hosted by Cornwall Women’s Centre 


16th March, 

6.45 (meal), 7.30-9pm (talk) 

Truro Baptist Church hosted by Truro Inspiring Women’s Network



17th March, 


Cornish Bank, hosted by Amos Trust 

Join for mint tea and Palestinian treats and a chat, bring your lunch


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