[250129] Building a relationship with your MP as a church : 29 Jan, ONLINE

January 29, 2025 | 12:30 pm 7:00 pm

As part of our commitment to resource CAN Churches, we will be holding a Webinar at the end of each month in 2025, with a break in July. They will provide a chance to reflect and listen, but also to learn from each other as the network grows.

Our first regular Webinar will be on Wednesday the 29th January – “Building a relationship with your MP as a church”

  • With Steve Tinning and Paul Morrison from JPIT
  • Sign up to attend at lunchtime (12:30-1:30pm) or evening (7-8pm) by clicking on the links below

Lunch 12:30-1:30pm


Evening 7-8pm

Webinars will cycle through three themes:

  • Network Building
  • Faith and Politics
  • Campaign and Advocacy Support

Network Building

Faith and Politics

Campaign and Advocacy

In Network Building months we will be looking at developing the CAN network, with content from JPIT staff on the mechanisms of getting involved and practical steps for building a relationship with your MP.
These webinars will have a strong focus on members speaking to and learning from eachother.

In Faith and Politics months we will be taking a step back to look at the big picture of politics in the UK, what the Bible has to say and what a christian engagement in politics looks like. We will be bringing in guest speakers to help us envision what kind of world we are working towards in the now and not yet.

Finally, in the Campaign and Advocacy months we will be highlighting specific campaigns and issues of peace and justice sharing how we can speak to our MPs on these issues and advocate alongside those who are most affected.


  • Weds 29th Jan – Network Building, Building a relationship with your MP as a church: sharing stories
    • With Steve Tinning and Paul Morrison from JPIT
  • Weds 26th Feb – Faith and Politics, Polarisation
  • Weds 26th March – Campaign and Advocacy Support, Refugees

Timings and links will be communicated via the CAN Monthly email. If you are not subscribed, sign up here.

Future topics to be confirmed, likely dates: Weds 30th April, Weds 28th May, Weds 25th June, Weds 27th August, Weds 24th Sep, Weds 29th Oct

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