6 June 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe.
Truro will join with other towns and cities across the UK to remember D-Day.
The day begins at 08:00 with a proclamation spoken by Truro’s Town Crier, Lionel Knight, on Boscawen Street. He will be accompanied by a small Guard of Honour provided by the Royal British Legion (Truro Branch).
At 11.00, there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the war memorial on Boscawen Street. The tribute will be led by the Mayor of Truro, Councillor Carol Swain, who will be accompanied by members of the Royal British Legion and others.
Later on in the evening, from 21:00 at High Cross, the Mayor of Truro, Town Crier and others will gather with the community to join together for a short ceremony and to join in with others across the country with the lighting of the beacon, in celebration of the ‘light of peace’ that emerged out of the darkness of war.
Tribute to Scottish Piper William Millin on High Cross
Lighting of the beacon on High Cross with a tribute read by the Mayor.