The Bereavement Journey is an easy to use resource of films and discussion that help bereaved people process their loss.
This well-established course from Holy Trinity Brompton offers 12 filmed talks to be used over 6 sessions, which help to guide people through the most common aspects of grief. The course is usually run weekly beginning with a light meal or refreshments.
Each week comprises two films, each followed by an opportunity for discussion in a small group, with a break between. The only exception to this is the final session 6, which ends with a time of reflection. Session 6 is optional and offers a Christian perspective to commonly asked faith questions in bereavement.
The Leaders’ Course Pack provides, in downloadable form, everything needed to run a face-to-face course regularly, including the 12 films, guidelines, promotional material, forms for registration and feedback and a sample copy of the Guest Manual and Faith Questions in Bereavement booklet. We ask that Guest Manuals (recommended for each guest) are purchased separately (whether in digital or hard copy form), similarly copies of the Faith Questions in Bereavement booklet for any course members who may be interested.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we are enabling courses to be temporarily run online and are providing additional guidelines to the Leaders Course Pack to help with this. We are also seeking to ensure an online course is run in every city or county across the UK by the Autumn. Please contact us if you could help with this.