Serving side by side

I love my job. As Co-ordinator of Churches Together in Cornwall it is a real joy to be able to say this, as it hasn’t always been true in other roles. I imagine that’s the same for most of us; we have ups and downs, successes and failures, times when we can’t see a way forward and those when everything falls into place. It’s all part of our human experience.

Communicating with and visiting local Churches or Christians Together groups around the county is especially inspiring. I am so often impressed by churches that are involved in social action projects, serving their communities and, quite simply, loving their neighbour, especially at difficult times in their lives. I am sure that much of our social fabric would disintegrate if it wasn’t for people of faith and faith organisations running community coffee mornings, baby and toddler groups, services for people who are homeless or providing a refuge for anyone who feels marginalised or excluded.

Even in small, remote villages there are activities, gatherings and outreach – hot cross buns given away on Good Friday, community carols at Christmas, summer songs of praise and charitable fund raising, support offered in Memory Cafes and so much more. Of course, praying and praising together is at the heart of Christian unity; this is the most fundamental and profound act and never to be underestimated. During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity last week there were services across the whole of Cornwall where Christians of all traditions and denominations joined together for worship.

Our diversity is to be celebrated, even if it feels uncomfortable sometimes. Our differences are our gifts to each other; they are opportunities for us to share and to learn. How wonderful that even if we can’t see eye to eye, we can still serve our neighbour side by side. In the words of Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Anthem’: ‘There is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.’ The light of Christ certainly shines through all the cracks and the darkness will never, ever overcome it.

Kathy Pope

Co-ordinator, Churches Together in Cornwall

Article first published in St Austell Voice. 29th January 2025

Post expires on March 21st, 2025

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