Resources for the Season of Creation

Creationtide, Creation Time or the Season of Creation is the name given to the period from 1 September to 4 October each year. During this time, churches are encouraged to have a focus on creation, with all the joys and responsibilities that being part of God’s creation brings to us.

In a co-production between JPIT and Eco-Congregation Scotland, we have gathered together writers, theologians, ministers and worship leaders to prepare resources you can easily integrate into a Season of Creation in-person, online or hybrid meeting. They allow for worship and challenge, discussion and exploration, and meditation and action.

If your worship services follow the Revised Common Lectionary, you will find that some of the items are based around the readings for each Sunday of the Season of Creation during 2021. Other items are undated and appropriate for use at any time.

As always, we would love to hear from you if you have suggestions, or to tell us how your activity went.

All-age activities

Building an outdoor worship space

Nature sensing

Weekly challenges [based on the gospel readings from the Lectionary]

[See also ‘Lego Bricks Isaiah 35’ and ‘Environment Sunday’ videos, below]

Discussion questions

Climate discussion questions


‘Do I love you when I burn my carbon?’ [YouTube video]

‘Hope overflows’ (The butterfly poem)


Contemplative prayer based on Mark 8:36 [Lectionary: Sunday 12 September]

Creation: a prayer for humility

Liturgical prayers by Revd Andy Braunston [coming soon, Lectionary-based]

[See also the video prayers below]

Reflections & sermons

Sermons and reflections written by Revd David Coleman [Eco-Congregation Scotland website, Lectionary-based]


A Climate Sunday service script (includes an Ignatian-style meditation)
Resource sheet to accompany the service [PDF]

Climate Sunday worship resources [Climate Sunday website]

[See also ‘Environment Sunday’ video, below]


Environment Sunday – an all-age service [YouTube, 51’30”]

Bad Judge!‘ sketch from James 2 by Revd David Coleman [YouTube, 5’33”; Lectionary: Sunday 5 September]

Gospel, Earthed – dramatic readings by Jo Clifford [Eco-Congregation website, Lectionary-based]

Lego Bricks Isaiah 35 by Harry, Eric & Jennifer Dobson [YouTube, 1’18”; Lectionary: Sunday 5 September]

Prayer about energy use by Revd David Coleman [YouTube, 1’59”]

Prayer for COP by Revd David Coleman [YouTube, 3’33”]

Psalms under Heaven [Eco-Congregation website, Lectionary-based]

Stories from Ethiopia (a video series by All We Can)

The voice we need to hear [YouTube, sermon by Revd David Coleman, 12’36”]

Tree Prayer‘ by Barry Watson [YouTube, 2’59”]

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