Prayer Tent on The Moor : Monthly, first Sat, Falmouth


Hunger on the streets for knowledge of God is often, nowadays, accompanied by a complete ignorance of who Jesus is. So it’s a great privilege during Saturday Prayer Tent (on the first Saturday of every month) to give passers-by the essential message of Eternal Life through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Sometimes their joyful reception of this essential news can be reward enough. We have been privileged to have prayed for all denominations and none, including Jews, new agers and many visitors. We are the town’s only supplier of free bibles through the ‘pram ministry’ (see below). Folk who receive healing prayer often return months later in gratitude for what we prayed that helped them so much. Prayer works!

If you feel reaching out to people like this may be something you’d like to do, why not contact us……. and consider being part of the team.   It’s fun.

Roy, Janet, Richard, Alan, Jo-anne


Pram Ministry : free Bibles in a pram!
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