24 Feb 2021
Into a dark world
a snowdrop comes,
a benison
of hope and peace,
carrying within it
a green heart,
symbol of God’s renewing love.
Come to inhabit our darkness
Lord Christ,
for dark and light
are alike to you.
May nature’s white candles of hope
remind us of your birth
and light our journey
through Lent and beyond.
Kate McIlhagga, Iona
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17 Feb 2021
Will You Meet Us?
A Blessing for Ash Wednesday
Will you meet us
in the ashes,
will you meet us
in the ache
and show your face
within our sorrow
and offer us
your word of grace:
That you are life
within the dying,
that you abide
within the dust,
that you are what
survives the burning,
that you arise
to make us new.
And in our aching,
you are breathing;
and in our weeping,
you are here
within the hands
that bear your blessing,
enfolding us
within your love.
— Jan Richardson
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10 Feb 2021
A Prayer for Racial Justice Sunday – 14 February
God of love
We come before you knowing that each person
is made in your image, but recognising that this truth
is not what we see in your world.
We thank you for the people that have come
before us to open our eyes to the injustices that we
have created towards one another, but today we take
notice of how far we still have to come with racial
We pray for anyone in our world that is experiencing
racial abuse today, help us follow your Son in how we
comfort the downtrodden.
We pray against the rise in anti Semitism, white
nationalism and all other forms of racism, that they
will be stamped out so we may love one another as
your Son has loved us.
We pray that you may open our eyes to the systems
that have been used to reinforce racism in our world,
and help us harness the voice of the prophets to not
just see, but speak out where no one else feels able.
We pray for the church, that it may be a place where
all are welcome to worship, but also the ability to lead
is not based on the colour of your skin or the
community that you come from.
God our Father, we ask you to transform us
into your image and help us to become the people
you have called us to be.
In the name of your Son Jesus Christ.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.ctcinfohub.org/wp-content/uploads/JPAG-News10-Feb-21-2.pdf”]
03 Feb 2021
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.ctcinfohub.org/wp-content/uploads/JPAG-News-03-Feb-21.pdf”]