New website supports Cornish Faith Based Social Action

15 November 2019

A new website launched today by the ecumenical Cornish Charity Transformation Cornwall will support the faith community in Cornwall in strengthening their social action. 

The website clearly sets out the three ways that Transformation Cornwall offers support. It also acts as a hub of information on much of the work of churches and wider faith based organisations in Cornwall on key themes including mental health, food poverty, homelessness, modern slavery, financial inclusion and the climate crisis. 

Transformation Cornwall is a capacity building organisation with Christian values and supports groups tackling poverty and exclusion in Cornwall by:

  1. Providing informative conferences and workshops which give valuable opportunities for networking and support through its ‘Meet the funders’ Programme;
  2. Supporting individual groups and organisations through its 1:1 work to inspire, inform and signpost; and 
  3. Strengthening links between faith based and mainstream organisations.

Jane Yeomans, Project Manager of Transformation Cornwall said “We wanted to make sure that all faith organisations could access our work, clearly know what we can offer and how to contact us and get involved, as well as showcasing many of the wonderful community and anti-poverty projects in which Churches and faith groups across Cornwall are involved. We see the website very much as a work in progress and welcome contributions to our ‘what’s new pages’ as well as developing links, so that it becomes a useful, up-to-date, comprehensive tool in community development throughout Cornwall.”

The website can be found at and includes details of how to get involved, stay in touch and support the work of Transformation Cornwall.

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