We are delighted to announce that Kathy Pope has been appointed to the new post of CTC Coordinator and will take up her duties on 1 September 2022.
Kathy brings a wealth of experience to this new role, which replaces the CTC Missioner role, now divided into two: CTC Coordinator, working with the CTC Steering Group to enable CTC’s mission, and the CTC Editor, managing our communications. Roger Mills continues in the latter role.
As a Roman Catholic married to an Anglican priest, ecumenism has been at the heart of Kathy’s life and she has been closely involved with the Association of Interchurch Families for many years. She is a trustee of Cornwall Faith Forum and represents that body on Churches Together in Cornwall. She was a ‘founder member’ with Donna Birrell and Roger Mills of the Unity Group created in Oct 2018 to suggest ways of moving CTC to a more sustainable team management approach, and as that body has expanded to become the current CTC Steering Group, Kathy has taken on the Justice & Peace portfolio within that group. She is also a part-time police chaplain, as revealed in the photo above, alongside many other roles, including managing the former SACREdplace bookshop in St Austell.
We are delighted that Kathy has agreed to take on this new position and look forward to exciting devel0pments in the coming years!