Is God calling you? Do you already serve in some way in your local church, but feel there is more that you would like to be able to do?

The aims of the Foundations in Christian Ministry course are:
- to deepen your Christian discipleship
- to explore and help form your gifts for ministry
- to help you discern God’s call for the next step in your journey with Him
- and to provide you with a foundation for further training in lay ministry.
Course objectives
By the end of the Foundations course you will:
- have been introduced to the major elements of Biblical studies and Christian doctrine (at a level just short of the first stage of a degree)
- have encountered a range of forms of prayer and expressions of Christian spirituality
- have been introduced to the principles of pastoral care
- be equipped with skills to aid your involvement in God’s ministry and mission
- have developed basic skills of personal journaling and reflection
- have explored your vocation, with guidance, and talked with a range of other people.
Study days
- These are the core of the course. They run on Saturdays from 9.30am to 4.45pm.
- Each day includes a mix of informal lectures and group discussions on the Bible, Theology, Spirituality, Mission and Pastoral Care, set within a context of worship, with time to socialise.
More information available by emailing
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