Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together services and prayers for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Date: Jan | Time | Location | Contact No |
Sat 18 | – | ||
Sun 19 | 4.00pm | Falmouth Methodist Church United Service | 01326 219008 |
Mon 20 | 9.00am | Emmanuel Baptist Church | 01326 315249 |
Tue 21 | 6.30am | Falmouth Vineyard, Western Terrace Exact Location, please email | hello@falmouthvineyard.org |
8.30am | All Saints | 01326 219246 | |
9.00am | Budock Parish Church | 01326 376422 | |
Wed 22 | 6.30am | Falmouth Vineyard, Mellingey Fields, Perranwell Station Exact Location, please email | hello@falmouthvineyard.org |
8.00pm | Stirring of the Water, Penryn | 01326 376818 | |
10.00am | St Michael, Mawnan Smith | 07919 186307 | |
11.00am | St Mary’s | 01326 312763 | |
Thu 23 | 8.30am | All Saints | 01326 219246 |
10.00am | Falmouth Methodist Church | 01326 219008 | |
Fri 24 | 6.00am | Highway, Penryn | 01326 378433 |
Sat 25 | – | ||