Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 : 18-25 Jan, Falmouth

January 18, 2020 January 25, 2020
Falmouth, various locations

Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together services and prayers for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Date: JanTimeLocationContact No
Sat 18
Sun 194.00pmFalmouth Methodist Church
United Service
01326 219008
Mon 209.00amEmmanuel Baptist Church01326 315249
Tue 216.30amFalmouth Vineyard, Western Terrace Exact Location, please email hello@falmouthvineyard.org
8.30amAll Saints01326 219246
9.00amBudock Parish Church01326 376422
Wed 226.30amFalmouth Vineyard, Mellingey Fields, Perranwell Station
Exact Location, please email
8.00pmStirring of the Water, Penryn01326 376818
10.00amSt Michael, Mawnan Smith07919 186307
11.00am St Mary’s 01326 312763
Thu 23 8.30amAll Saints01326 219246
10.00am Falmouth Methodist Church01326 219008
Fri 246.00amHighway, Penryn01326 378433
Sat 25
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