[240609] Tax Justice Sunday : 9 Jun, national


June 9, 2024

Celebrate Tax Justice Sunday this 9th June

The Christian call to justice is a familiar one; it’s a calling rooted in scripture, revealed in the words of the Prophets, exampled through Christ himself and a constant throughout our faith’s rich history.  

At the JustMoney Movement we believe it’s time to have the BIG conversations about injustice and how we shape a fairer, greener world. Our Church Action for Tax Justice campaign aims to challenge the systems and structures which drive the inequalities and injustices we are unfortunately all too familiar with.   

Tax Justice Sunday is an opportunity for you, your small group or your whole congregation to reflect on tax as a way of showing love, caring for creation and bringing about a fairer, more just society.  

Fill in the form here to receive your copy of our brand new Tax Justice Sunday resource including reflections, a bible study and prayers. 

If you’d like to invite a JustMoney Movement speaker to join you this Tax Justice Sunday, contact us via info@justmoney.org.uk

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