Talking to Kids about Decision-Making : 17 Oct, ONLINE

October 17, 2023 | 8:00 pm

As leaders, we know you desperately want to work with parents and carers to help them as they raise their kids to connect with God.

But we also know it’s not always easy to communicate with families. We have so many to pastor! They rush off after church or arrive late, and getting them to come to anything feels hopeless.

This is why we run our pop-up small groups. The idea is that we do all the hard work so you don’t have to!

For example, we take a relevant topic that many parents are dealing with – like helping our kids to make wise decisions – then we invite a top-notch speaker – like Rachel Turner.

We organise the date and time, create social media graphics, provide you with a handout and discussion questions and stream the event to Facebook Live.

All you have to do is pop the date in your diary and gather your parents!

(And yes we know they never come to anything… that’s why you can run this just as easily over Zoom!)

So, to recap:

Where? Our Facebook page

When? Tuesday 17 October, 8.00 pm BST

How? Just head to our Facebook page at the published time/date and we’ll be there!

Can’t find us? Refresh the page a few times. If that doesn’t work, drop us a Facebook message and we’ll point you in the right direction.

We really hope to see you there for what promises to be an excellent evening. If there’s any way we can support you further with these pop-up small groups, please don’t hesitate to hit ‘reply’ and we’ll do our utmost to help you help your families.
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