Spree’s Got Talent 2020 : 11 Jul, ONLINE

July 11, 2020

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Spree SW 2020 will not be able to go ahead as planned. However, we are excited to announce that we will be going online on the 11th July 2020 for:

Spree’s Got Talent 20207pm-8pm on the 11th July 2020



1) Record a video of you doing your talent. This video should be recorded in landscape, NOT in portrait.

2) Go to www.wetransfer.com

3) Upload your video and follow the steps on the website to send to: info@spreesw.org

4) Complete the Online Consent Form found here (this must be done for all participants, and must be completed by a parent or guardian.)

5) Wait for an email from info@spreesw.org to confirm your entry has been completed correctly and is fully submitted to the competition.

Submissions must be complete and received by 5pm on the 26th June 2020 in order to be considered.

For full terms and conditions, click here.

The WINNER will receive a the Spree’s Got Talent 2020 trophy, some custom Spree SW Merch and a £30 Gift Card for Amazon*.

*Please read Terms and Conditions for full details.

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