Housing Justice, the national Christian homelessness charity, is urging churches to take part in this year’s Homeless Sunday – confirmed as 13 October.
Homeless Sunday has been part of the Christian calendar for more than a quarter of a century. It is an opportunity for churches of all denominations and people of all faiths to unite and show solidarity with those experiencing homelessness and to reflect and plan practical action on homelessness.
The focus this year is ‘The impact of volunteering on the volunteer’, apt as Christians and church communities are at the forefront of the response to the rise in homelessness including the most visible aspect, rough sleeping. There were just 65 night shelters operating across the Housing Justice network in 2013, today there are 125 across England and Wales.
Last year the event was permanently switched to October, close to World Homeless Day. This was in response to feedback from church leaders and congregations and the growing number of churches involved in hosting Church and Community Night Shelter Projects. It was felt that as most shelter projects tend to open towards the end of October the alignment allows the opening of the night shelter season to be marked in prayer.
Around 500 or more churches across the country usually take part, and it is hoped to grow that number this year.
Download Homeless Sunday resources
- Reflections from volunteers
- Prayers
- Briefing notes
- Preaching ideas
- Idea for an age talk
- An order of service
- Hymns ideas