17 May 2024 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
We are delighted to announce Cornwall’s 3rd dementia conference.
This year it will be taking place at the Pavilion Centre, Royal Cornwall Showground, in Wadebridge, 09:00 to 16:30, on Friday 17th May 2024. This is the last working day of International Dementia Action Week.
The emphasis of this year’s conference is living well with dementia and supporting carers. The conference will feature a range of speakers, workshops, and live performances.
Some of the confirmed line-up includes:
- Professor Sube Banerjee, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Medicine and Health Sciences at Nottingham University, delivering a session on Quality of Life and Quality of Care in Dementia.
- Two of Cornwall’s Psychologists showcasing the living well with dementia group. This is an evidence based psycho-education group which gets together people recently diagnosed with dementia and their carers to talk about their hopes and fears, how to stay mentally and physically active, memory strategies, stress, diagnosis journey, advanced care planning, driving, new and old challenges.
- Newly established charity, community, NHS and council services showcasing their work
- Workshops including music therapy, poetry classes for carers, yoga and trauma informed facilitation, falls prevention class, massage for people living with dementia and photobook project to support people living with dementia be creative and collect memories.
Booking Information
We ask everyone except people living with dementia, their unpaid carers and those watching at home for a £5.00 fee. This subsidises a proportion of the event cost. This fee is non-refundable.
Please book using the booking form below to secure a place. Please only request a single ticket unless you are an unpaid carer or a person living with dementia. This will ensure that we can identify individual needs / requirements and ensure we obtain a good cross section of attendance from each group. Please book a livestream virtual ticket if the allocation for your staff group is sold out.
We will be livestreaming and recording this event. By requesting a face-to-face ticket, you accept you may be recorded and included in the footage of the conference.
The Pavilion Centre has wheelchair and lift access and free parking with specific spots for those needing closer parking and hearing loop if required.
If you have any problems with booking your ticket please contact us at kernowhealthcic.workforce@nhs.net