Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales : 12-18 Oct, ONLINE

October 12, 2020 October 18, 2020

Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales: 12–18 October 2020

Church Action on Poverty is exctited to be organising the first Challenge Poverty Week in England and Wales. We hope you’ll support it if you can!
Challenge Poverty Week has been a highly successful event in Scotland for the past seven years, and has been mirrored by London Challenge Poverty Week since 2018 – but this will be the first time it has been replicated in other parts of the UK. This is a fantastic opportunity for people all over England and Wales to stand up and highlight the need to tackle poverty in their communities.
Challenge Poverty Week is an opportunity to highlight the incredible work being done by community groups around the country, and to show what can and must be done differently. It’s an opportunity for voices that are often ignored to be heard loud and clear. It’s a chance to show that a better, more compassionate society is possible – and that there’s no better time than now to start making it a reality.
Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales aims:
•   To raise voices in unison against poverty and show that we all want to live in a more just and compassionate country.  
•   To show what is already being done at a community level to challenge and alleviate poverty.
•   To build awareness and support for long term solutions that focus on enhancing the dignity and agency of people in poverty themselves.  
•   To change the conversation around poverty and help end the stigma. 

You can help ensure it has a big impact:
A wide range of online events will take place during the week, organised by Church Action on Poverty and our partners in communities across the UK. Sign up and take part if you can. You can get email updates by signing up on the Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales website. You can help spread the word on social media. We have images and text for you to use on the Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales website. If you’re involved in a local project tackling poverty, maybe you could organise your own event.

We’re providing training and resources to help you get involved – there are more details on the website. Click below to find out more and get involved:
Visit the Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales website
Any questions or queries on Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales and to how get involved, email me: Looking forward to hearing from you soon!  
Jessica Waylen

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