St Crida 2019 Retreat Programme
Cost £6.00 each, payable on the day.
Each day will start at 10.00 am with tea or coffee at the back of the Church and will finish at 4.00 pm.
Please bring a packed lunch. A bowl of hot soup will be available at lunch time for £2.50p.
There is a toilet adjacent to the car park.
It might be advisable to wear sensible shoes and bring a jacket or coat (just in case!).
Friday 21st of June 2019 with Rev’d Elizabeth Foot (Towednack and Zennor). ‘The Feminine Celtic Spirit’
Friday 5th of July 2019 with Canon Pat Robson (Probus Team). ‘Pelagius. A voice from Britain’s Past.’
Tuesday 16th of July 2019 with Canon Shane Griffith (Mullion). ‘Chosen, Blessed, Broken, Given.’
Friday 2nd of August 2019 with Carol Miller (Lanivet). ‘Praying the Psalms.’
Friday 6th of September 2019 with Canon Pat Robson (Probus Team). ‘Inspired by Nature. A Celtic way of prayer.’