In January 2021 the Churches Together in Cornwall Executive agreed to proceed with a new policy of developing ‘liaison groups’ to build on community links that have formed during the pandemic, following an initiative developed over the past decade in Bristol.
The idea proved immediately attractive and in the ensuing months a number of groups have been formed, with five ‘up and running’ and four more at the planning stage. These are:
Environment and Creation Care: Cornwall Churches Environment Group : CTC contact: Rev Ben Lillie
Chaplaincy: Chaplaincy Support Network : CTC contact: tba
Mental Heath: Faith and Mental Health Network : CTC contact: Anne Redelinghuys
Bereavement: Cornwall Bereavement Network : CTC contact: Rev Elizabeth Foot
Modern Slavery: Modern Slavery Cornwall Network : CTC contact: Anne Redelinghuys
Persecution: in formation : CTC contact: Donna Birrell
Sports: in formation : CTC contact: Roger Mills
Racial Justice: under consideration
Pilgrimage: under consideration
Youth and Familiy Work: under consideration
Some of these are new groups, others existing ones that have kindly agreed to act as CTC Liaison Groups. The definition of what a ‘liaison group’ is has deliberately been left open at present, and we envisgage that different groups will operate in different ways; the common element is that each will have a designated member who is also on or linked to the Churches Together in Cornwall Executive and can thus provide a direct connection to church leaders and faciliate two-way conversations over issues where the churches can usefully provide support to the group, and vice-versa.
Further details will be added to this page as the scheme develops, and we welcome ideas for further groups – please contact at any time.