Within just seven years, #RedWednesday’s call to shine a light on persecuted Christians has spread to more than 17 countries worldwide – from Mexico to Slovakia and from Scotland to Australia.
Hosted annually by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), last week’s initiative saw more than 600 buildings around the world lit red amid renewed calls to government and civil society to act to stop the persecution and oppression of Christians.
According to provisional ACN statistics, around the world 10,000 people attended events organised by ACN between 16th and 23rd November.
Among the buildings to go red in the UK was the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Whitehall, London.
At a #RedWednesday event at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in London, Bishop Jude Arogundade of Ondo, Nigeria gave testimony about persecution.
There were presentations of ACN’s Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-22 given both at the cathedral and at a virtual Scottish event.
ACN (UK) took the idea further and created #RedWednesday to commemorate persecuted Christians on a specific Wednesday in November, and this was later expanded to a whole week in many countries.
- To order a copy of Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-22 visit here
- To sign the ACN (UK) #RedWednesday petition calling on the UK Government to demand the Nigerian authorities bring to justice those responsible for attacks on Christians and others, visit here