We are seeking the views of young people about justice and peace issues, especially but not limited to young people within the Baptist, Methodist, URC and Church of Scotland denominations (types of church).
youth workers, leaders or parents
The survey is open throughout January 2024. The results of the questionnaire will be presented here in February.
The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) will use this information to help us and our partner churches create relevant resources and training tailored to young people and for those who aim to serve young people within our denominations. JPIT enables our churches to pray, speak out and act on issues of peace and justice.
Please do share this page with young people, parents of young people or those who work with young people, so we can gather a large number of voices.
Thank you!
Youth justice resources for youth workers, leaders or parents
If you work with young people, or would like to support or facilitate young people to take part in this, a separate questionnaire for you is listed above.
If you would like to lead or take part in a session with a group of young people, here are some resources for all-age worship, a session plan for children and young people, videos, activities and prayers:
Tools to support justice conversations
Using your ‘Yes’ to bring change
A four-part project for children and young people:
- Notice the problems in your neighbourhood: what could be made better?
- Grow support from your family, friends and neighbours
- Get creative to get the attention of your Member of Parliament (MP)
- How to get in touch with your MP.