Warm Places – August 22
We are calling out to the churches in the county to make available spaces that can be used as warm places for the community during winter. You might already have some social action activities going on, what about extending it and adding a few hours to be a social warm place?
Warm places are warm, safe spaces where community members can take refuge, expecting a friendly and inclusive welcome. A place where people can come along on their own, or with a friend, and talk to others over a hot drink or maybe a hot meal. Where they can get practical tips and advice on saving energy costs and keeping safe and warm at home. And be signposted to find out about more specialist advice and support for their particular issues and needs.
Other activities that can also take place at the Warm Places can include weekly coffee mornings or a monthly breakfast club, a repair cafe session or a meetup for carers, a wellbeing session, or a slow cooking course to help people budget for heating and eating.
Working with other services in the area we can signpost and give support having a greater impact.
Even if it is only for a few hours a week, for those in need of warmth, social interaction, and a hot drink, getting together and experience the love and warmth of others, makes a world of difference.
This will be the start of the Warm Place network where we can support one another in times that are becoming increasingly difficult.
Consider to be a place of warmth before thinking about the barriers. Contact us if you have such a space and let us support you in working out the details.
For more information and support contact: