Director of Communications for Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland, Mark Crosby, introduces CTE’s newest national Member Church
21 December 2021
The Vineyard is a growing movement of churches in 150 locations across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The first Vineyard church in the UK was started in 1987 and since then the Vineyard has been faithfully planting churches, caring for those on the margins of society and growing communities who prioritise worship, praying for the sick and loving our cities, towns and villages.
Around the world, there are now more than 2,500 Vineyard churches in 95 countries with new churches being planted regularly.
Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland exists to participate in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practise.
We summarise this as Extending God’s Kingdom together, everywhere in every way.
- We are a growing movement of churches, built on God’s transforming word, who worship God with passion, intimacy and expectation.
- We are God’s children, empowered by his Spirit, extending his Kingdom together, everywhere in every way.
- We will serve people, especially the poor and vulnerable, and communicate the goodness of Jesus with compassion and generosity.
- We will make disciples, develop leaders, plant churches, and contribute to the blessing of the whole Body of Christ.
As a movement of churches, we gather together for three key national events each year:
- Dreaming the Impossible is a youth movement for young people aged 12-18 from churches and youth organisations everywhere. We’re passionate about seeing young people meet Jesus and fearlessly follow him, believing that nothing is impossible with God. Churches from everywhere are welcome to join us in August at the Staffordshire Showground.
- The Cause to Live For is a gathering of young adults every autumn. Created to train, equip, inspire and propel them to extend God’s Kingdom wherever they are sent.
- Our Vineyard Leaders’ Gathering is an annual moment where we mark the continuation of expectant leaders who gather around God’s presence and press into times of worship, ministry and teaching, making ourselves available to the Holy Spirit and to follow his leading.
We have always valued unity, recognising how God uses different people, churches, denominations, networks and streams in unique ways to extend his Kingdom. Churches Together in England provides a wonderful opportunity to work together ecumenically, in pursuit of Christ, his Church and his Cause.
Explore Vineyard Churches (UK & Ireland) website
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