Vacancy: Community Chaplain : closing date 24 Nov

Community Chaplain

0.6FTE (22.5 hours per week)

This post carries a temporary 6-month contract and is part-time initially, with the potential to become full-time subject to funding.

Salary: £24,982 per annum pro rata (i.e. £14,990 for 3 days per week)

South West Community Chaplaincy is currently looking for a Community Chaplain to increase their capacity to provide effective care and community support for people as they leave prison and re-integrate back into the locality, within the counties of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. The application deadline is Wednesday 24th November 2021.

For further information and application forms please visit their website:

Alli Clear

Supporter & Volunteer Co-ordinator

South West Community Chaplaincy

Co Lab Exeter

Wat Tyler House

3 King William Street



01392 284285

07984 640233

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