The Transformation Cornwall Foodbank and Grants Updates have moved! While previously we would release these updates once a fortnight, they are now monthly. Each update will be published on the first Friday of each month.
We would really recommend checking them out. The Foodbank Update is great if you need to access information about accessing support from or supporting your local Foodbank. And the grants lists contain a great number of grants that you can access either as an individual or a community group. And if you are in need of help and are still struggling after using these lists, do not hesitate to get in touch.
This move to a monthly update also means that following your local Foodbank on social media is more important than ever. You can find each Foodbank’s various social media information on the Foodbank Update. This will give you access to information such as last-minute changes to opening times, food donation priorities, and more.
Plus, follow Transformation Cornwall on Facebook (@TransformationCornwall), Twitter (@TCwll) and Instagram (@Transformation_Cornwall) for alerts of when we release each update!