Easter Sunday 2020 will be an Easter Sunday like no other before it. We cannot sing the great Easter hymns inside our churches, but we can sing them in this way…
At 10am on Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 we call on all who want to celebrate the resurrection to go outside and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine be the Glory at the top of their voices! You could sing them…
- in your garden
- in your street
- like an Italian from your balcony!
- on your permitted daily walk in your local park
- by the sea or by a lake
…all of course keeping safe spatial distance.
If you are planning a live streaming service, why not also include these hymns at 10am, so that your viewers can step outside and sing at the same time.
Why Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine Be the Glory?
- They are probably the best loved Easter hymns known by the largest number of people.
- They are cheerful, confident and joyful acclamations of resurrection and will be uplifting for other people to hear on Easter morning.
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today is very ancient based on a 14th century Latin hymn, but reworked in the Lyra Davidica of 1708, so it is an expression of unity and connects us with all those who have gone before us.
- Thine Be the Glory was first written in French (A Toi la Gloire) by the Swiss writer Edmund Budry and connects us with the world wide Church.
How to make this happen…
- Please share Sing Resurrection with as many people as possible by social media, email, phone.
- Let’s share it globally too and see if Sing Resurrection can happen at 10am in 24 time zones around the world!
- Invite friends and neighbours in advance to listen out for Sing Resurrection or to join in themselves.