Services of Commemoration

Authorized by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

Cambridge University Press, The King’s Printer, has published Special Forms of Service in commemoration of Her Late Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II. The Forms of Service have been authorized for use in the Church of England, and other churches are also welcome to use this material. It may be reproduced, either in whole or in part, without restriction and without written permission being required.

  • Form I: Holy Communion 
  • Form II: Holy Communion (traditional language) 
  • Form III: Special Commemoration Service, including the Appendix: 
Sentences, Responses and Prayers in traditional language for use with Form III


These Forms of Service have been approved by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for use in their respective Provinces pursuant to Canon B4.

Please note: Services of Commemoration may be held before the Funeral and during the seven days after the Funeral, but should not be held on the day of the Funeral itself. Guidance on the use of this material may be found at the Church of England website.

Special Forms of Service

Booklets containing the text of the special Forms of Service are available to clergy in the Church of England on request to their diocesan offices.

For further information contact


The Forms of Service are in both PDF and Rich Text Format files.

Front cover (PDF)

Form I: Holy Communion (PDF)

Form II: Holy Communion (traditional language) (PDF)

Form III: Special Commemoration Service (PDF)

Forms of Service (I, II, III) text only (RTF)

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