Empowering you and your church to effectively serve your community during this crisis.
Chances are, your church leader has never had to pastor a church through a pandemic before! That’s why we’ve thrown all our expertise into creating a brand new Church Resources page, and it’s free to access whether you’re a CAP church or not?.
We’ve packed it full of practical information to help you support your local community and your congregation. And we’ll be updating with new things as they become available.
Pop over to https://capuk.org/coronavirus/resources-for-churches to find out more about the plans, and tag your leader so they know this stuff available for them.
Churches are responding to COVID-19 with generosity, creativity and compassion and we’re committed to helping. Throughout this season we will be offering not only our own expertise in finance and supporting the vulnerable, but also providing guidance and signposting to other charities and organisations that we are currently working alongside who can offer other forms of specialist support.
Our hope is that we can use some of our expertise in working alongside the poor and marginalised for almost 25 years to equip you and your church, as you continue to offer the hope of Jesus in your communities.
Resources include: