Recovery College Cornwall


Recovery College Cornwall provides courses to support recovery from mental ill health through learning. It encourages us to be the agents of our own recovery, empowering us to live the lives we choose.

Recovery College Cornwall has been developed through a partnership of Pentreath Ltd, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Cornwall Council, The Rotary Club, Invictus Trust and other 3rd Sector Partners. The project was initially a three-year pilot funded through The European Social Fund and project partners, and now moves into a new format for 2022.

The courses will be open to anyone with mental ill health who would like to take charge of their own journey through tools and strategies learning on the courses which focus on understanding mental health.

The project has been researched and evaluated by the Clinical Studies Dept. of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and will aim to evaluate this approach both in terms of recovery and in terms of cost effectiveness.

The project is led and delivered by people with lived experience of mental ill health alongside educational and mental health professionals.

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