This booklet “Prayers in Lockdown” was published on 1st June 2020. It has been written in collaboration by 25 people through Coffee Shop Sunday which is a new expression of Church and part of Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit. This has all been done ‘virtually’ and the 25 co-authors have never met. The entire project was completed in less than one month.
The booklet was endorsed by the Bishop of Coventry, Bishop Christopher Cocksworth, on 10th June who said:
“Prayers in Lockdown is a wonderful collection of prayers. What’s so interesting about them is the way each prayer is written by a small group of people some of whom – most of them, probably – have never met in the flesh. That shows something of the reality of Christian fellowship in the virtual world we’ve been having to inhabit over the last months. But maybe that shouldn’t surprise us because Jesus told us that ‘God is Spirit’ and that his followers would be given the Holy Spirit. There’s no doubt that the Spirit of God has been working transformatively in and through ‘Coffee Shop Sunday’. The book is a gift that will do more than raise your spirit. It will lift your spirit in prayer.”
Each prayer has twelve verses and there are 19 prayers (symbolically 19 in recognition of Covid 19) – each prayer has a one word theme. Two sentences in each prayer were written by a different co-author to inspire collaboration.