Churches and Christian organisations are responding with prayers and statements to the violence in Israel and Gaza:
O God of all
Of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Isaac, and Ishmael:
Our hearts are broken in pieces at the suffering and murder of your people.
Our voices cry for peace and for justice.
Comfort those who grieve,
Console and heal the injured,
Be close to those in fear,
Restrain with your mighty hand those who perpetrate violence.
Send us your wisdom in all that we say and do,
That our voice may always seek justice, peace and security for all.
Revd Peter Colwell, Deputy General Secretary, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
CTBI Inter Faith Theological Advisory Group
The violence that we have witnessed in Israel and Gaza over the last two months has been very distressing. How should we respond as Christians and Churches who are committed to dialogue, reconciliation, justice and peace? The CTBI Inter Faith Theological Advisory Group has produced a short resource that offers reflection and pointers for discussion out of a context of ecumenical and inter faith relations:
Download “Torn in Two” – Responding to the Israel-Palestine Conflict.
Quick links to prayers and statements
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Catholic Church in England and Wales