The Post-Covid Theology Project is a collaboration of our Member Churches reflecting theologically on the changes, challenges and opportunities arising from Covid-19.
The Post-Covid Theology Project – coordinated by CTE – is a way of helping churches work out what is next as they emerge from the surreal last 18 months of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The aim is to provide resources for local churches, parishes and congregations, enabling them to think carefully about the implications for their life, witness and worship. We have in mind local leaders who need to make decisions about pastoral care, patterns of Sunday worship, mission initiatives and the use of their buildings.
This project is not primarily about answers, but rooted in asking good questions which can be explored by churches at a local level.
Theologians and practitioners from a wide variety of our 51 Member Churches gathered over the summer of 2021 and discussed what were the most important questions that needed our attention in the post-Covid era.
Explore the background to the Post-Covid Theology Project
Further resources, focusing on the areas of mission, church life and worship, humanity, and pastoral care, will be rolled out over the latter part of this year and into 2022.