25 Nov 20

Good News
- The UK government is to subsidise electric bikes making them a third cheaper, part of their plan to double the number of bike journeys by 2025.
- The United Arab Emirates has reformed its legal system to make tough punishments for the harassment of women and to put an end to lenient sentences for honour killings. Alcohol is also to be decriminalised.
- More than half the energy needed for the square mile of London’s finanical heart is to be supplied by a solar farm in Dorset.
- The Covid vaccine from Oxford, reliable, cheaper than the others, soon to be rolled out
- Churches to be open for worship for Christmas
For Reflection and Prayer
- For our Government that they will make wise decisions with regard to the Coronavirus and that people will adhere to them for the good of all
- The necessity of and logistics of providing the Covid vaccine for all the world’s poorest people.
- The financial cost of this and who will fund it. ( e.g. One of the slums in Lagos. Nigeria has an estimated one million inhabitants lacking the basic utilities of sanitation, food, water)
- The #ResetTheDebt campaign is inviting church leaders to sign an open letter to the Chancellor, asking him to take action in order to protect millions of UK families at risk of being swept into homelessness and hardship this winter. read more
- Send a Christmas message to the brave: Every day, human rights defenders and environmental activists across the world are risking everything to defend our brothers and sisters and protect our common home. Let’s not forget them this Christmas – send a card of solidarity to the brave. read more
Today is RED WEDNESDAY, when we remember and pray for those undergoing persecution and harassment for their religious beliefs. Join us for a service of prayer and reflection for Red Wednesday at 7pm today (25 November) online

18 Nov 20

- The Corona virus vaccine trials have performed better than expected raising hope that the world may soon be protected from the pandemic which has killed 1.3 million people and destroyed many livelihoods.
- New Zealand’s new Prime Minister has a diverse Cabinet, a quarter of whom are indigenous Maori ministers.
- Climate Change risk assessments are to be obligatory for UK, the first country in the world to do this.
- The Woodland Trust has pledged to plant 5 million trees in the next five years.
- This year’s Christmas stamps show a beautiful Nativity scene depicting the true meaning of Christmas.
- Indigenous tribes are calling on Joe Biden to stop Amazon destruction. Both Trump and the Brazilian President have downplayed climate threats and said publicly said they doubt the science.
- There is need for cohesion and harmony in our Government and Cabinet so that politicians may make wise decisions and work for the common good.
- Persecuted Christians: In Nigeria this year over 1000 Christians have been killed, churches destroyed, villages decimated and many thousands of Christians internally displaced, unable to return to their homes. During recent attacks, pastor and many men have been executed, and women and children abducted.
- We do believe that prayer brings about change.
- We pray that the Corona vaccine will be available to ALL peoples throughout the world.
Creation Care
Millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are losing their livlihoods and homes because of Climate Change. The UK government is required by law to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, to net zero to play our part in limiting global temperature rises and enabe the Earth to continue to sustain life. However, the UK’s export credit agency has recently financed to the tune of £1billion a fossil fuel gas project in Mozabique, following similar investments in thee last four years. You may like to join CAFOD to demand that the Prime Minister shows true global leadership by ending all UK support for fossilfuels overseas, by signing our petition at https://e-activist.com/page/53571/petition/1
11 Nov 20

Rev Robbie Bowen’s funeral will be on Sat 14 Nov at 12.30pm. Sadly under the present restrictions it is not possible for us to attend, but the service will be streamed on this link.
If you would like to make a donation to charity in Robbie’s memory, two JustGiving pages have been set up for charities close to Robbie’s heart:

04 Nov 20

Good News this week:
- 17 of the Recommendations of the Bishop of Truro’s report to the Government on Persecution of Christians, have been already been or are being implemented. This shows that the government is acting swiftly in this regard.
- The future of one of Falmouth’s cultural centres has been secured. Falmouth Town Council will be taking over the running of the Princess Pavilion from the County Council
- May we count our blessings and appreciate the beauty of our county, always not far from countryside and sea, when so many live in dismal surroundings
- May we be thankful and supportive of Cornwall Faith Forum as this week we celebrate Interfaith Week.
- The National Centre for Social Research reports a major shift towards Immigration as both culturally enriching and good for the country.
For Prayer and reflection
- The Media informs us so much in the huge amount of time and space devoted to the Corona virus, very depressing for those who spend much time taking it all in. May the media provide material that is uplifting, beautiful and true.
- May we pray especially for Christians in China. There is a great surge in destruction of churches, violations of religious freedom, use of technology to detect and to monitor Christian meeting and discriminations in public life for Christians.
- May we pray for the USA at this time , that its government and peoples may harness their energies in working for the common good of all.
Interfaith Week
Hans Kung, a Catholic theologian. Wrote “There will be no peace among nations if there is not peace among the great faiths.”
In his latest encyclical letter; Pope Francis sends out a clarion call to discover new ways of engaging in politics, society, and religion, that are grounded in a culture of encounter and friendship rather than self-interest.
In Fratelli Tutti 281, he writes; “A journey of peace is possible between religions. It’s point of departure must be God’s way of seeing things. God does not see with his eyes; God sees with his heart. And God’s love is the same for everyone, regardless of religion. When the last days comes, and there is sufficient light to see things as they really are, we are going to see ourselves”
- Let us reflect upon and pray for positive interfaith dialogue and understanding of the need for people of all faiths to work together for the good of all peoples.