31 May 2023
Lord Jesus,
you are a Lord who walks beside your people.
So we pray for people who march for justice.
You are a Lord who raises up those who are bent low.
So we pray for those held down by the grindings of life
and the indifference of the world.
You are a Lord who feeds the hungry.
So we pray for all who long for bread
and the means to provide it.
You are a Lord who celebrates the small and the insignificant.
So we pray for the children
and for those who are never noticed.
You are a Lord who says ‘Follow me’.
So we pray for courage, faith and cheerfulness in our hearts
that we may take up the cross and find it leads to life.
Kathy Galloway.
From In the Gift of This New Day: Praying with the Iona Community, Wild Goose Publications, www.ionabooks.com
24 May 2023
I take a breath
Sensory Trail, Carlisle Cathedral
in the name of the Father,
I take a breath
in the name of the Son,
Breathe life to me
Holy Spirit,
live in me
Triune one
17 May 2023
Prayer with an eye on Ascensiontide
Lord Jesus Christ,
We acknowledge your rule over every realm of life:
Subdue the world by the might of your love.
Son of Mary: consecrate our homes.
Son of David: cleanse our politics.
Son of God: grant us eternal life.
Jesus the Carpenter: hallow our daily work.
Jesus the Saviour: save us from ourselves.
Jesus the Life-giver: renew your Church.
Jesus the Crucified: reveal your love and power to all who suffer.
Jesus the King: raise us to live and reign with you for ever.
Jesus the Word of God: perfect your creation
And bring the world to the knowledge of your love.
Church of Scotland Book of Common Order (1994) quoted by Angela Tilby, Church Times 12/5/23
10 May 2023

Prayer for National Sports Sunday by His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos
Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gifts You constantly give us and first and foremost, the gift of Your Spirit within us that strives and yearns for fellowship.
We give thanks for all those who provide opportunities for our fellowship through the various sporting activities that are available, and that become, for so many, a source of support in their daily journey, knowing that they do not journey alone but amongst friends and companions.
We give thanks, at a time of great uncertainty through our Nations, that we are still able to gather across all lines and experience the fellowship that is provided through these various experiences and events.
We ask your blessings upon those who partake, that You may grant them the spirit of graciousness and sportsmanship, and that they may be reminded of the true and ultimate goal, of not only winning the game but of being in fellowship and journeying to Your Kingdom, and that in doing so they become a light and an example to all those witnessing their good works.
03 May 2023