Pause for Prayer : June 2021

30 Jun 2021

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23 Jun 2021

3,500 join South West Awake coastal path prayer event!
read more
listen to the prayer guide above and please continue to pray #ThyKingdomCome in the South West

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16 Jun 2021

In the leaving
In the leaving,
in the letting go,
let there be this
to hold onto
at the last:
the enduring of love,
the persisting of hope,
the remembering of joy,
the offering of gratitude, 
the receiving of grace,
the blessing of peace.

From Circle of Grace – A Book of Blessings for the Seasons, by Jan Richardson. (2015) Wanton Gospeller Press

From Epiphany House Newsletter May 2020

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09 Jun 2021

A prayer for Cornwall’s natural environment

1The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;
 2for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.

(Psalm 24:1-2)

Lord, we give thanks for all the wonderful areas of outstanding natural beauty you have created in Cornwall.
We give thanks for all sea creatures that inhabit our waters from the smallest to the greatest; for those that live in the shallows and in the ocean depths.
We give thanks for flowers and trees, and all plants that grow in Cornwall,
for all wild creatures that  dwell on land, and fly in the air above.
We give thanks for all people living in Cornwall and those who visit
to share in the varied beauty of Your creation
Heavenly Father, as we give you praise and thanks for the wonders of your works, help us to remember that You made us in Your image.
And as bearers of Your image, we have the responsibility and the privilege of caring for Your Creation.
Forgive us for failing to do Your will.  Through our neglect, thoughtlessness, and greed, we have contributed to the climate change that’s causing wildfires, crop failures, and killer storms.
Forgive us, Lord. Help us to do better.
The consequences of climate change,  such as flooding, hit the poorest the hardest. Lord forgive us for adding to their struggles;  help us to live more thoughtfully, so that we can reduce our carbon footprint and not contribute to climate change
Lord, there are people, young and old, who are working hard to care for your creation.  Help us to help them by promoting a low carbon economy, a nature friendly way of living.
Heavenly Father, this year the G7 conference will be in Cornwall.
It’s exciting and daunting.
Lord, we ask you to encourage all leaders taking part in the conference
to be bold, just, and honest with the facts: to act on the science,  and to tolerate no more denial and no more delay.
Heavenly Father, please help all church communities in Cornwall
to work across our neighbourhoods and our County to take better care of Your creation.
In the words of Pope Francis
“O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life,
to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty.
Praise be to you.  Amen!”

Michael Kent, Wadebridge Methodist Church

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In the week of the G7, some thoughts on the figure 7 from the FPCT Care Home Ministry team:

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02 Jun 2021

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