News from the Falmouth Live Nativity planning and prayer meeting this week, from Deacon Jane Mills:
“We had a positive planning meeting and prayer time on Tuesday, Ali Durkin, Naomi Finney and myself have taken on coordination of this event, with support from Jane Charman.
The Animals are booked, the date is set (December 8th), and we are beginning to pull together a list of volunteers to plan and run the event this year.
We give thanks for the positive relationship with the Council and Town Management team, who are once again committed to organising and funding the road closures, security and marquee required, at great cost!
We are seeking ways to raise funds in order that the Churches can contribute to the financial running of this event – ideas welcome!
We are still seeking more volunteers to ensure we can make the most of this fantastic evangelistic opportunity – if you would like to help, please contact Ali Durkin
We feel blessed and supported as a coordinating team, please pray this continues!
In our prayer time we considered how a rainbow can be seen as a symbol of what we do – see attached photo.
Rainbows are plentiful around here, they are beautiful, many find them uplifting and we see them as a sign of God’s promise.
Scientifically they are refracted light – all from one source, yet it is the very variety of colours together that make it so beautiful, just as churches together can reflect God’s love in bigger and better ways through the variety of ways we worship and minister to our communities. AMEN to that!”